It’s going to be great. I can feel it.
In my senior year of high school at Medina Senior High I met a small group of friends through a “TV production” course. The course itself, was a great time. It mostly consisted of us creating very low budget (and mostly inappropriate) 30 second TV spots for made-up products. It was the highlight of my high school coursework.
More to the point – I was fortunate enough to sit down next to J Hess. J and I would go on to form a close friendship, sharing many adventures in the years to come – from backpacking in North Carolina to performing strange and long-winded acoustic guitar shows, he’s always been a good friend.
What has been most exciting though – is meeting his bride-to-be, Alex. Colleen (my wife) and I had the privilege of spending an afternoon with J and Alex, and getting to see these two together was a great time. Of all the girls I remember J dating through high school (a whole different blog entry there… 🙂 ) I’m so stoked he’s found a good fit. She’s an awesome lady, and from just one day with them together, both Colleen and I are excited for them to walk into marriage.
Best yet? They’ve asked me to shoot their wedding. That’s one of the best things about being a photographer, serving my friends.. and I’m more than excited to do it. What makes it even sweeter, is that they’re certain to have a breathtaking wedding. An outdoor wedding in Maine near the coast, with Alex riding in on Labyrinth (her beautiful white horse!), this wedding is sure to be one you’ll hear more about. Colleen and I will make a working vacation out of it heading up the week before to enjoy Maine and the ocean.
Congratulations my friends… thank you SO much for choosing me – what a wonderful time we will have.