It’s not very often that we get to share personal posts, but I thought it would be fun to show you piece of my life and a bit of my creativity outside of wedding photography. Jess (my wife) and I recently decided to get away for a week and spend some time in the sun together. Best. Decision. Ever. We both needed it. We went to La Romana in the Dominican Republic and the scenery absolutely blew me away.The sunset above was from one of our first nights at our resort. It was simultaneously snowing back in Ohio. If someone can remind me why we live in Ohio, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
Funny story about the top left image. Jess hates airports. Wait, let me rephrase that. Jess HATES airports. She likes to fly and is totally fine once she’s on the plane, she’s just not a big fan of everything leading up to boarding. Therefore, we arrive at airports very early when we fly. As you can see, we were the first people at our gate…and for quite some time. On our way to the Dominican, we had a layover at JFK in New York City. The top right image is of NYC’s coast.
I love palm trees. And I took a LOT of palm tree pictures. I’m hoping to frame some of these bad boys soon.
I was hesitant to bring my DSLR camera on the trip. I thought I may just want a week off from taking pictures. As it turns out, I’m really glad I brought it with me. Now Jess and I are able to preserve some of the best memories of our lives from this week. When we’re old and gray, we’ll remember this vacation.
I love the jumping shots above. This tree was one of our favorite spots to venture to on the beach at sunset as the scenery was out of this world.
Not only did I bring my DSLR…I also brought a polaroid along for some fun pictures.
The best part about this week was getting the chance to slow life down and simply breathe. It’s so easy to get caught up in life’s worries while forgetting to enjoy the day and take in the scenery around us. This trip was a great reminder for me as to what life is all about.
Jess took the black and white image above of me. She didn’t mean to make me out of focus…but I think it turned out pretty cool. Go Jess!
Soooo, we found this super-top-secret-amazing-cliff-lookout-spot. And we went there often. We had to go off the beaten path to find it, but it was so worth it. The view was incredible. Before others would get to it, they would turn around because you had to walk over very rough coral and needed shoes to get to the super-top-secret-amazing-cliff-lookout-spot.
In the top image, I tried to make it look like I was levitating. Did i pull it off?
It’s so fun for me to go back through these images and blog them because they remind me of the great times we had together. I love the emotion and memories that photography stirs up. It takes us back to a place we once were in life.
The polaroid above is of Jess standing on our super-top-secret-amazing-cliff-lookout-spot. One of my favs.
Overall, it was an amazing trip and I’m glad Jess and I were able to slow life down a bit. Super refreshing.