There is so much joy here.
Since I’ve met them, their Sapna and Manish’s light-heartedness, their constant welcoming of joy over everything, has pierced every part of their wedding.
It was awesome to experience the root of where that came from at the Friday Grashanti filled with family members from around the world.
Capturing Sapna playing with her niece made for some really sweet moments.
Her Piti was by far my favorite one I’ve ever photographed.
She was fearless as they applied a turmeric paste to her skin, and everyone kept busting out laughing.
Since Indian weddings are multiple day affairs, we get to go all out for creating unique photography during our creative sessions.
Sometimes we create indoor sunsets …
… find urban jungles …
… and place you in the sky.
The Raas/Garba is super fun – a pre-party to the wedding ceremony the next day.
Our Indian couples are hard core.
Her bangles were beautiful.
I adore capturing bridal details.
Our favorite makeup artists are those who utilize window light. I love how the light wraps around her.
Sapna, you are so. freaking. gorgeous. So much beauty.
Photographing Sapna was probably my favorite part of the day to capture.
Putting on yards of heavily embroidered fabric takes a long. time.
But she sincerely enjoyed her morning and everyone who was a part of it.
The love and sincerity in the relationship between Sapna and her father is so beautiful.
And the adorning never stops …
Manish is as kind, sincere, and joyful as Sapna is. I cannot imagine a better match for either of them.
Sapna and Manish met “on the worst (free) dating site in India”
While most of their relationship was via email …
… and it catered to the opportunity for Manish to ask deep questions …
… and they fell in love.
Raise your hand if you’ve ever rode a horse in downtown Cleveland on your wedding day.
The best way to be welcomed to your wedding.
The Milini was full of mini-ceremonies and games …
… and laugher.
I don’t think they ever stopped smiling.
The reception decor was beautiful.
Table centerpieces that formed a spectrum of color from one end of the room to the other, the ceiling drapes, and a wall of candles, were beautiful details of the night.
A couple little ladies snuck in ahead of time and danced on the empty dance floor.
The night was full of entertaining speakers and family dances …
… and pure celebration.
The dance floor was bumpin for hours.
Happy Wedding Day Sapna and Manish!