News flash, not all weddings go to plan. Actually, most don’t. People are late. Busses break down. Your uncle decides the worm is a good idea. I could go on and on. However, this particular Saturday was as that dress material. It was smooth…. just trust me.
As you can plainly tell, Kate & Ryan are quite easy on the eyes. I nick-named them GQ. I didn’t tell them this to their faces. Now it’s out there….. awkward.
This is another one of my favorites from the day. Sure, I set them up by that window with purpose, but no one faked this. That’s a genuine “Make-You-Giggle Neck Kiss” ™
We were all over Cleveland. The day started and finished at The Metropolitan @ the 9. It was a fitting backdrop. Kate’s dress is very elegant. Classy. Reminded me of a red-carpet event. Red Carpet Bride. Could totally be a A&E series. I was fortunate enough to venture outside with it with the city as a backdrop.
Awesome group of girls. Carefree and fun. They listened to me <3 What more could a guy ask for? This is rare and it’s not lost on me!
I’m quite candid in style. I always have been. I really do wish I was smaller, so I could tuck into corners a little better as not to be seen. However, being hidden doesn’t mean being unaware. My goal is to always be ready for what’s coming, before it happens. I strive to see your mom heading for a kiss on the cheek and be aptly ready to capture it. It’s fun. It’s challenging. It’s me.
^^Absolute fave. Can’t get over this dress. Magazine, please.
I’ve found, especially this year, that with experience comes an ease. I’m able to focus on the reverence of a service more than I used to be. I used to be more concerned with settings, placement, and light direction. With more and more weddings under my belt, I actually have time and reverence to pause and remember what the day’s about. Sure, I usually get the opportunity to capture some great imagery…but it’s more about this moment than anything.
One of my favorite ceremony photos. I like their reflections on the floor, but past that, there’s something to their body posture and pose. I feel the weight of this moment in the image.
Wedding guests. Thank you. Thank you for being excellent bubble producers. Killer bubble producers.
Yessir. Party time.
I’m not sure what he said, but I remember that it was pretty funny. I was laughing as I took this. Gotta love the green-space around our city. I do, anyway!
Stunning. Absolutely stunning.
This is how to be a bad ass. Take notes. I’ll wait.
This is how to be adorable. Take notes. waiting.
Turn a parking garage door into a canvas. Let’s be real, with GQ couple, this would be tough to mess up.
I just went on and on about her dress. Kate, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Ryan, deal with it 😉
Coffee as favors, you say? Why yes. Don’t mind if I do.
The 9 is a newer space in downtown Cleveland. It was actually designed by another one of my brides 😀 Regardless, it was designed so well for this wedding. I’m telling you, I can’t really find fault with anything that happened that day.
I got caught. However, if you’re going to catch me, be as awesome as this girl.
I heart this so, so much.
I wish I had something more insightful to say, but when I look at this photo I just think “How cute is this??”
Then, you get to this one and you’re just like “Shut up.”
Sometimes people are afraid to dance….or they think they’re too cool to dance. We didn’t have that problem here.
Ryan has mastered the art of dipping, I’ll tell you that much. Executed many times throughout the day.
Is that much joy even allowed? Be careful flaunting it.
Kate & Ryan. Thank you. Thanks for letting us serve you, and thank you for being awesome. That is all.