Class, pay attention.
Today’s lesson is in futility. The over-arching theme of this particular day was rooted in good. Namely, never under-estimate excellent circumstances. Kim and James are excellent, down to the phonetic quality of their paired names. They kind of sound like pop duo…..move over She & Him.
“Oh, cool. We’re just gonna stroll up this walk by the Cleveland Museum of Art. Don’t mind us. We didn’t even know you were taking a photograph! Did that photo turn out? teehee…” #sickening
So let’s chat about circumstances. Sometimes it’s rain, sometimes it’s too much shine. Sometimes it’s not enough of either. This time, it was all factors and medians mediated. Weather couldn’t be better. Even our choices for photos could have been drastically over-run. They weren’t. All was well and it shows.
Ahhhh, ok. Heels could be considered a deterrent circumstance. I’ll give you that.
Symbolism to the max. None of this is lost of me. It doesn’t hurt that St. Christopher Parish is beautiful.
They’re, quite literally, beaming. Dude and dudette, you could replace my worn out halogens for a trip up the coast. Can’t say I blame ya.
So we popped into Huntington Beach, right? NBD, it’s only July 4th weekend. There should be no one around, right? No, everyone was around. Look at this photo. People just moved the hell out of our way. It was insane. I could almost feel the train of thought skittering across mind to body’s action. “Whelp, here they come. Guess I’d better inconvenience myself and move. Circumstances…you know. Circumstances deem it fit.”
Me: “Hey, dudes, we’ll be over here for a few minutes. Don’t go far.”
Groomsmen (In perfect unison, b/c I’m the one writing): “Kay”
Mad game of epic, cut-throat volleyball ensues.
Groomsman. You can’t take ’em anywhere 😀
They’re lucky they’re so attractive.
The Union Club. Founded in 1872. Still managing to kick ass today. I absolutely love this room.
Probably one of my favorite speech photos ever. I’m proud of this one. It depicts the moment perfectly.
Kim’s dress was almost mesmerizing when fluttering out. She only spun a few times. I’m gonna call it 50/50 on luck and skill to capture it. How about James’ smile, though? It’s like one of those fancy magazines.
The DJ of the evening was none other than Troy Entertainment. Pete Troy, in the flesh, was present and his presence was heard. Streamers, LED glowing bar thingies, puppies. I think he gave everything he owned away for the sake of the party. As plainly seen in this single frame, it sorta worked.
These stairs. I wanted this particular photo to be muted and dark. Moody. Not everything’s meant to be brightly lit.
Drink? Check.
Bride? Check.
Finger pointing? Check.
LED glow stick thingy? Check.
Peace sign? Check.
Tongue out? Check.
3-finger minimum grip on cell phone? Check. (This is mandatory for dance floor usage, FYI, if you’d like your phone to stay in one piece)
Selfie? Check.
Arms thrust upward toward the atmosphere like you don’t mind all that much? Check.
Kiss – with extra bonus light-drag? Check.
Kim and James. Guys. Seriously. Thank you. Thanks for trusting me with your story. Thank you for the latitude and atmosphere to create. It’s been an absolute pleasure. I’ve said it before and I’m going to say it right now. I often wonder whom is serving whom. Forever grateful.