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We’re told that the heart of a person is what matters most; that internal beauty trumps the external. While this truth is often repeated in our cultural lexicon, we often find ourselves drawn to the external features of the people we’re around.

indian wedding photographers clevelandYes; Saket and Shereen are attractive. Let’s get that out of the way. But while that is incredibly apparent when looking at their wedding photography, the one thing that you can’t see through the imagery is the gracious and kind hearts of two wonderful people.

Before I dive deeper into my thoughts on them as a couple, and the story of their day through my photography, can I suggest you take a moment and watch their short trailer from the wedding film our Cinema team is crafting for them?

sikh wedding photographers clevelandI’m always happy to make new friends in my line of work. I love my work here in Cleveland as a wedding photographer. Truthfully what drives me isn’t the artwork in-and-of-itself; it’s actually the people.

indian wedding photographers clevelandI don’t think you’ll hear a lot of photographers say that. And that’s ok; to each his/her own right? But I mean it. The artwork [ to me ] is secondary to the relationship. Said in a different way; people first, pictures second.

Indian wedding mehndi cleveland hennaEvery artist works different, and so I won’t begrudge another photographer who operates differently. But if you follow my work, you’ll note that I spend more time on the friendships I form, over the photographs I capture. It’s not just clever marketing; it’s the soul of how I create.

sikh wedding photography clevelandFor me, the photograph is actually a product [ the output ] of the relational reality I find when I’m creating.

indian wedding bangle ceremonyThis thought will then make sense to you; that where I struggle most as an artist is when I don’t connect with my subjects personally. The converse is true of course; when I feel at home, trusted and able to be myself, my work is the best I can create.

candid wedding photography clevelandBecause of that, I’m careful of the work I accept. Shereen? Saket? Easy choice. We hit it off from the get-go. I knew full well that their wedding weekend was going to be sweet and personal.

Indian mehndi clevelandindian wedding photographers clevelandForgive me; let me pause my diatribe and share some thoughts on the work itself.

indian wedding bangle ceremonyBarat Indain Wedding ClevelandBarat Indian Wedding ClevelandBarat’s are crazy fun at Indian / South Asian weddings.  I wish my western couples would find a way to bring a horse [ or a car, or an elephant, or a semi-truck bed as I’ve seen lately ] into their groom’s wedding entrance.

indian wedding photographers clevelandsikh wedding ceremony clevelandShereen and Saket shared a Sikh wedding at a Sikh temple in Richfield.  We’re well known for our Sikh Wedding photography of course, but there’s something so intimate and sweet about Sikh Wedding Ceremonies that I can’t find elsewhere.

sikh wedding photographers clevelandindian wedding photographersSeriously.  Do you see both of their smiles in the above?  During their wedding ceremony I found them both grinning from ear to ear at times.  How could you not be when you’re about to marry your love?

Gurudwara Guru Nanak wedding richfieldcandid wedding photography clevelandLOL.  I love this.  My kids do this too.

sikh wedding photography clevelandShereen’s father is a good man. I got to know him a bit through the process, and was struck time and again by the quiet strength he carried.

sikh wedding ceremony clevelandsikh wedding photographers clevelandPrior to their wedding reception at the Renaissance Hotel wedding cleveland in Cleveland, we snuck away for a quick imaging session.

indian wedding photographers clevelandOur session was brief; but working with people who are happy and in love?  I made great use of our time together.

best indian wedding photographers clevelandOk. Shereen.  Seriously; you shine.

indian wedding renaissance clevelandindian wedding photographers clevelandfun indian wedding photographersFast forward about an hour later.  After an attire change, the two were out with me again.  I caught Saket nervously practicing their choreographed dance for the upcoming wedding reception.

best indian wedding photographers clevelandbest indian wedding photographers clevelandI’d like to pretend that the bird flying above them is a noble eagle.  I’d like to. In truth, it’s a pigeon.  But if I told you it was an eagle and screamed a loud “ka-kaw” as it flew over their heads, you’d believe me.

renaissance cleveland wedding receptionThe evening held a gala wedding reception at the Renaissance ballroom in Cleveland.  The room was decorated to the nighs [ is that a word? or is it “nines”? ] thanks to the skillful eye of Shereen and her father. R and S Wedding Coordinator [ Shereen’s wedding coordinator ] was instrumental in assuring everything came out perfect for their families.

cleveland renaissance wedding receptionThe ballroom at the Renaissance is so wonderfully large; perfect for a large Indian wedding in Cleveland.

cleveland renaissance indian wedding receptionbest indian wedding photographers clevelandToasts at a wedding reception are always an indicator of how close people are.  If a speaker takes the time to grandstand, it can say a lot about the lack of personal connection they feel towards the subject of the toast.  Obviously, not the case here.

renaissance cleveland weddingrenaissance cleveland wedding receptionShereen’s father [ the aforementioned father that I respect so much ] carefully shared of his adoration for her his daughter.  It was touching.

cleveland renaissance indian wedding receptionI love this image [ the above ].  Saket listening intently to his new father-in-law share.

renaissance cleveland indian wedding receptionindian wedding reception venues clevelandAnd the party commenced.  Have you been to an Indian wedding?  Make an Indian friend, and get invited.  Go.

cleveland wedding reception venueShereen.  Saket. I adore you both.  I’m SO thankful you chose me to lead the team on telling your visual story.  Thank you thank you thank you [ thank you ].

cleveland renaissance indian wedding reception

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