These two are a beautiful couple [ inside and out ]. Clearly, you can see their exteriors; but when you spend time with the two, you’re aware of how wonderful they are.
Their engagement session was lovely; and it’s all because of them. The two have a backstory [ here’s the rough out ]
- Met in Highschool [ #mayfieldHighSchool2010YOLO ]
- Were randomly picked to escort eachother on Homecoming court
- Traded digits
- fell in love
- broke up [ speed bump called college ]
- Fell back in love
- Booked us as their wedding photographers
There was probably a step or two in between that last one [ certainly one involving a bag of lifesavers and a ring pop ] but you get the gist.
I adore them; I’m so freaking happy I get to be their photographer.
Engagement sessions are good for a few things; not only do we craft artwork, but I can really figure a couple out. I can learn how they best photograph [ kind of like practice for their wedding photography ]. But more important? I can earn their trust.
I love smiley nose connections [ who doesn’t? ]
Isn’t Erika’s dress beautiful? It’s her mother’s. Both [ clearly ] have great taste.
David has great taste too [ in ladies for sure ]
Erika. David. I mean this; I’m overjoyed I get to be your wedding photographer in June. This engagement session was so much fun for me, and I’m so happy I know you better.
And David; We WILL get you to speak in your Italian accent [ ciao! ]